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HYROX—A Sport for Everybody

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Jan 30, 2024

HYROX participantNever heard of HYROX? Let us introduce you to a fitness race that is getting more and more popular every year. Billed as the “sport for everybody,” the HYROX race is geared toward both professional athletes and everyday fitness enthusiasts looking to take their training to the next level. Continue Reading ›

2023 Holiday Challenge A Great Success

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Jan 09, 2024

holiday challenge infographic

Our Concept2 community continues to amaze and humble us. For our 24th annual Holiday Challenge, 21,681 people from 95 countries put in 5,755,067,909 billion—yes, billion!—metres between American Thanksgiving and Christmas. And if that’s the icing on the cake, then the cherry on top is that we reached our goal of raising $70,000 for five not-for-profit organizations. Thank you so much! Continue Reading ›

Salty Science to Tackle the World’s Toughest Row

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Nov 22, 2023

salty science team croppedIn December, a team of four determined women, all experienced marine scientists, will embark on a formidable challenge—rowing in the World’s Toughest Row™. Over the past year, they have undergone intense training, building strength, and developing their rowing skills from scratch. With a passion for marine conservation, these strong and competent women are not only breaking through gender barriers but also raising funds for ocean conservation efforts. We caught up with the team recently and talked about why and how they got on the path to row the Atlantic Ocean. Continue Reading ›


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