Thank You for putting out the absolute BEST product that enabled me to keep my endurance and met-con up without putting stress on my joints and ankle in particular. Read More ›
Thank You for putting out the absolute BEST product that enabled me to keep my endurance and met-con up without putting stress on my joints and ankle in particular. Read More ›
After playing soccer most of my life and going to globo gyms I started CrossFit in the beginning of 2012. That's when I first saw a Concept2 Indoor Rower. I used it on and off a little but toward the end of 2013, I decided I would row a 5k every day in 2014. The goal has escalated to two million metres by the end of the year. I have fallen in love with rowing, have become stronger and more efficient, and have become a CrossFit rowing instructor. My eyes are on becoming a Concept2 instructor by the end of 2014. Read More ›
I'm almost 60-years old. I am a big guy, 6'4" and 350-pounds, making it difficult to compete in physical activities. I was at a conventional gym for about 2 years with limited success. I recently changed to a CrossFit gym. I first used Concept2 Indoor Rowers at my CrossFit gym. I liked rowing the first time that I tried it. Here's a full-body cardio activity that a big guy can do without the pounding and joint stress of running. Read More ›
I am a CrossFit gym owner and athlete that has gotten more attracted to and serious about rowing as a low-impact cardio and endurance training tool. I really enjoy being able to compete against my previous times and discovering the online logbook has been an added bonus. Read More ›
I was never much of an athlete in school, primary, secondary, or college. Once I got into the "real world", I would do the typical one hour of resistance training and 5k on a treadmill. I had my first experience with a Concept2 Indoor Rower in 2007 when I also found CrossFit. During most of that time, I wasn't a hardcore rower. i was just doing it when it came up in our usual workouts. However this year a friend and I decided to go for the million metre challenge. So starting Jan 1, I started logging all my metres on here. Twenty days in, I'm just shy of 10% of the goal. Read More ›
Several months ago I had a chance to train with the SkiErg. I was hooked immediately. It is a great ‘tool of pain.’
I'm 32 years old and a professional firefighter and rescue diver in Pori, Finland. I have trained pretty hard for almost 17 years now. I found CrossFit in 2007 and it immediately became my favourite thing! I won the 2009 CrossFit Games. In my training, the Concept2 Indoor Rower has a big role. I believe that rowing is one of the major factors to my work capacity. I like to use the indoor rower for intervals and for metcons. Read More ›
I love this sport, I love the consistent performance of the Concept2, and I am really blown away by the great support your group offers to us rowers—rookies and all! Read More ›