Does your fitness club run an indoor rowing class?
We regularly get people asking all around Australia if we are aware of an indoor rowing class being held near them. In general, however, we haven't got a clue, as gyms rarely inform us of the fact. In a bid to solve this, if your gym runs an indoor rowing class of some sort, please let us know the details and we will place the details here.
Ergfit Indoor Rowing Classes
Group fitness classes for all ages and levels of fitness from the beginner to the elite athlete. Ideal for those who are looking to:
- Enhance Cardiovascular Fitness
- Increase Body Strength, and
- Improve Well-being via the use of our C2 Indoor Rowing Machines.
Rowing is a low impact exercise which is perfect for rehabilitation. It provides a workout that elevates your heart rate for cardio fitness and is excellent for strength conditioning with a linear, full body movement.
You will be professionally coached and instructed to a technique that is used by all rowers around the world.
As number of seats is limited, registration prior to commencement of course is a must.
Location: 44 The Boulevard (Essendon Fishing Club), Moonee Ponds, VIC 3039 Tel: 0407 802 686 (Tamara) Email: Web:
TKO Fitness
TKO Fitness Trainers are Concept 2 Endorsed Instructors. Their signature classes (Concept 45 & Concept 30) predominantly utilise the Concept 2 Rower & Skierg during the session. They use the latest model machines and data analysis. Your initial baseline fitness is tested and a program is designed from here for a future test or race date.
Body Composition Testing and Nutrition Programming also available.
Location: 1-3 Werroona Ave, Bendigo, VIC 3550
Tel: 0431 597 753
Web: /